Monday, March 8, 2010

Ragtime Family Affair.

This weekend was pretty eventful eventhough I had work all weekend. Saturday night especially, I drove into Olde City for a friend's Birthday at my favorite spot, National Mechanics. Why do dudes hate it there? I think its pretty sweet. In fact sweet enough that Tony Danza even thinks it's cool enough to go. So guys take a hint from Mr. Who's The Boss himself, National Mechanics is the spot. (I'm pretty sure I remember someone saying that some douche called him Vinny Barbarino?) I love going there an goofily dancing behind some tool and fistpumping making him think he is cool. I'm a jerkstore. Anyway, I hope the birthday boy had a good night. I'm pretty sure he did. I actually drank alot and was given an Obama Bomb which was actually pretty good but put me on my ass...I had a long day of work that day and was tired so that mixed with the liquor was not too smart. I was definitely fighting off sleep on the way home... On Sunday I headed over to LC's with Nickel to watch The Oscars. The Oscars weren't that eventful for me, well atleast not as eventful as the wine induced conversations and kitchen dancing antics. All I'm sayin is Ragtime Family Affair. Seriously though. I was so tired from the lack of sleep from the nights before I just sat in the house in my hoodie and pj's..This weekend I'm hitting up The Note in West Chester for another friend's bday. Misstallica will be glorious. Use common sense and figure out what they are about. So we shall see where this weekend will take me.


  1. Hey, I requested going there. I had a good time. Obama Bombs are a bit much. I'm not a big coffee drinker.

  2. Yea I didn't think they would taste like coffee so it was a bit of a surprise.
