Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mopsy Twins

I kind of had a crazy week. I finally settled on an apt in South Philly. I cut a check for the background/credit check but I always get so nervous that I will be denied for something so miniscule like a balance of 5 dollars on some shit I forgot to pay. Anyway it's a private owner therefore he may be a little more selective on who he picks to lease too. I think he actually is impressed that I'll be living alone though so that might put me to the front of the line....crossing fingers. I eventually wanna switch my Cosmetology license to Pennysylvania also in hopes of getting into a fancier place. As far as my weekend went, I had an ok one. Saturday I headed over to Nickels and drank with some peeps. I definitely did not know how strong scotch was.....WHEW! Not to mention that I didn't really eat all day. I was passing out at 12 am...The room was seriously spinning when I layed down. It felt like I was on The Gravitron. LC and I headed to The Tattoo Convention the next day. She got her arm done while I wandered around thinking about what I wanted done. I ended up not getting tattooed but figured out what I wanted...but while I was wandering I got a tooth gem. It's pretty cute. LC got one too. MOPSY! hehe. Anyway now I'm home and just vegging and sorting out my stuff to pack. I hate packing and moving. It's for the birds.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Shut up you baby.'s 11:43 pm. I've been home since 8 o'clock. I get extremely lonely when I'm sitting here alone at's mostly at night though. Does anyone else experience this? Or am I just being a baby? So I just basically listened to 2 Preston and Steve podcasts and played with my hair. What a friday night! On a higher note, I'm going to look at a house in South Philly tomorrow. If I qualify I'm just gonna cut the check right there if I can...I need a place to live ASAP. Mom is set up and I'm not staying with her because she conveniently picked Upper Darby which is close to her work. I'm not living there....All you SWP people know what I'm saying. The tattoo convention is this weekend too, Rich is trying to get me to tattoo a muppet on me. (which im all for just not now) Probably just get some filler.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Daddy's little girl.

Since my dad died we've been having a hard time trying to figure out where to settle on place to live. I'm out of here in April and Mom wants to keep the house, but is not sure if it's possible. It would be only if the price is right though. But to be totally honest I don't want to live in Jersey anymore and I don't know how to tell her. I feel like I just wanna pack up my stuff and run away. I had a crazy dream lastnight in which I did just that and it felt AWESOME. My Dad was also in this dream FINALLY! Telling me to do what I want want to do. I was actually a litle jealous that my mom had him in her dreams the other night and I haven't yet...I don't know if I believe in that stuff or not but it was a little too real to ignore. So yea, he finally came to me. I'm kind of hoping that the price will be ok for her to handle on her own so I won't have to stay there. Whatever.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ragtime Family Affair.

This weekend was pretty eventful eventhough I had work all weekend. Saturday night especially, I drove into Olde City for a friend's Birthday at my favorite spot, National Mechanics. Why do dudes hate it there? I think its pretty sweet. In fact sweet enough that Tony Danza even thinks it's cool enough to go. So guys take a hint from Mr. Who's The Boss himself, National Mechanics is the spot. (I'm pretty sure I remember someone saying that some douche called him Vinny Barbarino?) I love going there an goofily dancing behind some tool and fistpumping making him think he is cool. I'm a jerkstore. Anyway, I hope the birthday boy had a good night. I'm pretty sure he did. I actually drank alot and was given an Obama Bomb which was actually pretty good but put me on my ass...I had a long day of work that day and was tired so that mixed with the liquor was not too smart. I was definitely fighting off sleep on the way home... On Sunday I headed over to LC's with Nickel to watch The Oscars. The Oscars weren't that eventful for me, well atleast not as eventful as the wine induced conversations and kitchen dancing antics. All I'm sayin is Ragtime Family Affair. Seriously though. I was so tired from the lack of sleep from the nights before I just sat in the house in my hoodie and pj's..This weekend I'm hitting up The Note in West Chester for another friend's bday. Misstallica will be glorious. Use common sense and figure out what they are about. So we shall see where this weekend will take me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

House of Ridiculous Television Programming.

Why is it that I think I can do anything after I hit the gym. I will make the CRAZIEST plans for myself afterwards. I have even come home to rearrange my furniture one time...........What the hell? I need something to keep me busy, seriously. What can I do? Besides be Awesome? And another thing! Lemme go on a rant...I hate this stupid House of Payne show. It's the most unfunny show ever. I don't have the luxury of having cable so when I watch the WB I always end up just leaving it on in disgust. I've also noticed that when they have a white character on this show they always end up making them either stupid or nerdy. WTF is up with that? Your not gonna get ratings for dumping on white people you jerkstores. Come on...even my BLACK niece agreed with me on this. It just makes me hate Tyler Perry more than I already do.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Say What!

So I think it might be nice to make a blog to vent, joke, talk shit...whatever I want to do. Since this is my first post I'll keep it short and sweet. So there it is.